Know the income tax benefits available to startups

Startup Bazaar > Blog > Know the income tax benefits available to startups

Benjamin Franklin once said that nothing can be said to be certain in this world, except death and taxes. One has to bear taxes, whether willingly or unwillingly. Income-tax tax is one of the most oldest form of collecting revenue for governments. Income-tax is so certain that any concession or relaxation granted by the government is considered to be a gift to public and many a times tax concession is granted to boost economic activities. Modi government has made a hard push to bring in and promote the startup culture in India and to encourage the Startup India initiative, there have been many concessions/relaxations which have been provided in the Income-tax Act, 1961. CA Nitin Goyal has collaborated with Startup-Bazaar to prepare a slide deck presenting the income tax benefits in an easy to understand manner. Hope you would find it useful. Please feel free to reach out to us for any query.
