Startup Bazaar > Services for Startups > Fund raising and M&A

Fund raising and M&A


» We can assist you in raising funds at different stages of your venture.

» Invest Catalyst Angel Network iCAN ) is powered by Startup Bazaar. iCAN is a network of angel investors who invest in early stage startups.

» If you clear the initial screening, we can introduce you to iCAN and arrange a fund raising pitch . We can also assist you to raise funds at the next level by introducing you to the right investors.

» We also provide valuation services and assist you in structuring the deal in a tax and regulatory compliant manner. Our team of professionals also provide hand holding in the post fund raise compliance with regulatory requirements.

» In growth stage we also assist our clients in acquiring other ventures as and when the need arises.


» We can assist you in raising funds at different stages of your venture.

» Invest Catalyst Angel Network iCAN ) is powered by Startup Bazaar. iCAN is a network of angel investors who invest in early stage startups.

» If you clear the initial screening, we can introduce you to iCAN and arrange a fund raising pitch . We can also assist you to raise funds at the next level by introducing you to the right investors.

» We also provide valuation services and assist you in structuring the deal in a tax and regulatory compliant manner. Our team of professionals also provide hand holding in the post fund raise compliance with regulatory requirements.

» In growth stage we also assist our clients in acquiring other ventures as and when the need arises.

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